Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Snicker, To Extraordinary, Problim Children: Fiction Week

I have a few favorite authors that have permanent residence on my shelves. I do not keep every book that I read, but when I find an author I love I make sure to keep my eyes open for their new releases. Natalie Lloyd is one of those authors. Back in the day she wrote the devotional in the back of Brio magazine and the first book I ever brought from her was Paperdoll a look at the woman at the well; one of my favorite Bible studies. Since those days, Natalie has dived into the world of children/young adult fiction. Her style is imaginative and mystical filled with encouragement for the young and young at heart. I always walk away inspired and excited to live with my eyes wide open to whatever I may see. I hope you and your young in age and heart friends will be uplifted by these stories. Be on the lookout for Natalie she is an author to watch. Her next stand alone, Over The Moon, comes out March, 2019. 

- Hannah  

A Snicker of Magic:

A Snicker of Magic is Natalie’s first book that released, and it is my favorite of the three she has so far. Felicity collects words, she sees them all around her and she stores them inside of her. But the one word she has never seen is “home”, until she arrives in Midnight Gulch. The town used to be filled with magic, until a curse fell over the town, at least that is what the rumors say. Felicity wants to stay in Midnight Gulch more than anything, she is seeing words and feeling more than she ever has before, but first she needs to figure out how to bring the magic back; how to heal her mother’s wandering soul.

Hope runs through these pages. I picked up this book during some dark days. After reading it, I sensed that my imagination and whimsy have been buried deep within me, so far down that I could not see; I just knew that it was there. As a writer I see words too. I am easily inspired by the world around me. I connected with Felicity right away. As Felicity searches for a way to break a curse, she discovers the truest magic of all. I hope you will join her in the quest and maybe you will find magic deep within yourself that has been buried by the curse of loss of innocence. May you will find the magic again. A Snicker of Magic, would make a great summer read for your young and young at heart friends. 

The Key To Extraordinary:

Emma comes from a special family. Every single world changer and difference maker in her family learned their extraordinary destiny from a dream. Emma is patiently waiting for her dream to come so that she can not only live and fulfill her destiny, but also keep a promise she made to her departed mother; she does not want to let her down. When Emma’s dream finally comes and her mission seems impossible, Emma begins to discover her destiny; The Key To Extraordinary.

Destiny is not found in becoming extraordinary, but in the journey of living an extraordinary life. Hope. Hope is what beats throughout this entire book. As Emma journeys and tries to piece together a way to fulfill her mission, she learns hope. She finds what she has always longed for and what the world needs more than anything, and has been missing for centuries. We are all searching for something as we pursue becoming something great; to make a difference, to be extraordinary. I hope you will find hope through Emma’s story as I did. The Key To Extraordinary is one of the most beautiful children’s books I have ever held, one for every young dreamer to read.

The Problim Children:

The Problim Children is the first book in a trilogy that Natalie is working on and is her latest release. The Problim Children revolves around seven unique siblings trying to save their family while their town is trying to tear them apart. The kid’s home in the woods is destroyed and they find themselves moving into town via their grandfather’s estate. The Problim’s are under a time crunch to find their parents before the town separates them through the foster care system. Meanwhile, the kids uncover the mystery and history of grandpa Problim within the house’s many unique features, passageways and connections with the O’Pionons; their nosy neighbors. With lots of humor and heart this is the beginning of embracing the outcasts and the unknowns of the world. People are not problems at all.

I am excited to see where this series goes. Natalie leaves you on a cliffhanger that only has the potential to lead to a dangerous and exciting second book. These seven kids will warm your heart and open your eyes to the power of embracing who you are. Life is to short to be like everyone else and we all belong just the way we are; weird, crazy, and awkward. The world around us needs all of who we are to function in the best way possible. The world may look at us as a nuisance, but we are wildly beautiful just as we are. The Problim Children, flowed beautifully and kept me locked in, I finished this one in one day. The baby Problim’s fart meter is more than enough reason to pick up this book. You will be laughing and rooting for the Problims in no time!

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