Thursday, May 31, 2018

Loving Your Friend Through Cancer: Review

No one knows when the phone call will come, but statistics tell us that eventually someone we know or someone we love will be diagnosed with Cancer. That fact is hard to take in and the reality is even harder to face. Watching someone you love to suffer, hurt, and struggle is painful. It can be so hard that it is tempting to just slowly back out of the picture, because will she even notice? She will notice. While her or her loved one’s diagnosis seems out of this world to you, it is majorly overwhelming to her. Have you been there? Feeling hopeless and hopeful at the same time, wondering how you can love and serve your friend and her family well? Loving Your Friend Through Cancer, speaks right into the desire and need for love, service, and care during the hardest time of your friends life. Marissa writes from experience as she has both loved through the battle and experienced the battle first hand. Cancer sucks, but your presence in your friend’s life brings a light in the darkest night. Your presence is needed, and Marissa has provided you with a guide to being a meaningful and compassionate support to your friends and loved ones during this time. Filled with resources in the back to apply everything she discusses to the reality of Loving Your Friend Through Cancer

I watched my grandmother die of cancer and other health issues. I have friends who have watched their friends battle with cancer. Cancer is inevitable, it is a part of all of our lives in one way or another. I believe that is why we need resources like this on our shelves; we need to be prepared and ready to love in the hard places. I have never had Cancer, but I have struggled with other diagnoses and health issues that have rocked my life. While it speaks directly to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer, this book is a beautiful guide to loving through anything life altering your friend faces. From loss and diagnoses to any emotionally painful life change this book has a beautiful framework for being a friend that stays through the storm, the aftermath, and into her new version of life. Because whether your friend is walking through Cancer personally or with a loved one, there is no going back only forward into a completely new version of life. I highly recommend this book to you and to any of your friends who are walking with their loved ones through Cancer. This book brought comfort and purpose to my role as friend when it feels like there is no way I could possibly help. There is. Our friend needs us more than ever.

- Hannah

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher to read and share my honest opinion. I am not affiliated with Amazon the link is for your convenience. 

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