Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Day 31: This Is Just The Beginning

I was worried about taking on this challenge. I was in the midst of a dry season of dreaming, while pursuing my dreams.

Dreaming is not all magical and fun. In the beginning it can be sparkly and fun to throw ideas out and talk in hypothetical about ideas and plans but once you get into the dream, it gets hard. It is not all fun.

That makes this series hard. I want all of us to not lose our wonder in the webs of life and disappointment, but it is hard. I want us to hang on to Jesus with all we got, clinging to truth instead of the lies, but it is hard. I want us to take our disappointments and not see them as absolutes and limitations on our lives, but it is hard. During our daily responsibilities I want us to try to take regular steps towards our dreams, but it is hard. 

If life were easy, there would be no sin and brokenness; we would be living in the perfect world that God intended. Hard is part of our lives now. It is just a fact. 

One of the major reasons dreaming and daring to wonder, trust, believe, and try is hard for me is that I want things fast. I want to see results. I want the big picture. 

But if I knew the big picture, there would not be a reason to wonder or dream. I would just do.
If I all the way deep down trusted that God knows and that is all that matters, I would just do.
It is hard to dream, wonder, surrender, persevere, and try with unbelief. 

From avoiding dreams to being in the midst of moving forward into them this scripture is my prayer for me and for you.

“And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”  Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24

May you go forth and wonder deep and dream wide, trusting that God is with you every step of the way as he has gone before you and is right behind you, to love the beautiful souls of this world, because they are who our dreams are for above anything else. 

- Hannah

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