Sunday, July 1, 2018

Engraved On The Heart: Review

*Engraved On The Heart by Tara Johnson is available today!

Keziah Montgomery lives imprisoned by the high expectations of her Confederate family. She is forced to hide her illness for fear of scandal and is not the debutante she was raised to be. As rumors of war become reality, Keziah does not see the purpose in balls and courting. Despite her discomfort with being a prisoner of her family’s ways, she can’t imagine a way out. Everything changes when an old schoolmate, Dr. Micah Greyson, shows her a life-changing truth that the door is opened to a new way of life as a conductor in the Underground Railroad. Micah struggles to discern God’s will during turbulent times as he is drawn back to the life he has always known, and the fight for abolition. Keziah and Micah face their own battles, but they discover that some convictions are worth the sacrifice, and love is truly strong enough to endure the pain of war. 

I was pleasantly surprised by Engraved On The Heart. I am not a fan of historical fiction. Stories that dive into the pain of war, do not lift my spirit or encourage my heart. This book is a big exception. I have never read a story that has roots in the past, but applies to current events. I connected with Keziah as she feels boxed in and alone in her illness and beliefs. She desires to be free and to live a life of purpose, and God faithfully leads her there. Tara’s debut is about freedom on so many different levels; from Keziah, to Micah living courageously despite his past, and the slaves journeying through the Underground Railroad. Freedom. I highly recommend this book, adventure, romance, and unwavering faith fill these pages. A strong female lead and a potent reminder that God made every man in His image, so every person should be treated with reverence, are what make Engraved On The Heart a treasure of a read.

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.


*I link to Amazon for your convenience only, I am not affiliated with them.

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