When you discover that God has created you uniquely, you won’t
spend your life trying to copy everyone else. - Lisa Bevere
Question: What is a current lie you believe about your own
life? Write one universal truth that exposes this lie.
I believe what I have been given is not enough. I constantly
fight between the knowledge that I have been given gifts to use, and comparison with others who
have been given the same gifts and are using them in far more interesting and
impactful ways than I could. Writing is
an art. It is not an art that makes you untouchable, but connects soul to soul.
I am a writer and deep inside I desire to be an artist. To create with whatever
I can get my hands on and share it proudly. Then the lie soaks into the surface
and penetrates my bones. There is no place for you. You do not have what it
takes. Those words have already been spoken. And then it starts over again,
repeating and restating lies that dismantle my creative spirit. The tension
between lie and truth, flesh and spirit, desire and hope.
“If you keep silent at this time, relief
and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and
your father’s family will be destroyed. Who knows, perhaps you have come to
your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14
I am set a part for such
a time as this. This day, this life I am moving about in the body that pumps
the blood to my heart and let’s air into my lungs. This life I have been given
was given to me for just such a time
as this. My spirit, gifts, talents, voice, and soul are needed right here and
right now. I am not a mistake and I most definitely belong at the table next to
you, because my time here is not a mistake or glitch, it was set for a purpose.
My words have a place. My heart has a beat. My art is needed. My soul is
continually transforming. For such a time as this. Every moment I strike keys,
move my pen, grab color, flip pages, kneel down, and lift hands high there is
purpose. There is purpose in my days not just because of what I have been given, but who gave it all to me and
for Him. There are many around me, beyond me, and surrounding me; such a great
cloud of witnesses for such a time as this. There is no question even in the
doubt, that what I have been given is
meant to be used and its purpose as well as impact is beyond my comprehension.
It is not about me, it is all for Him. How is my life to fit in the kingdom
that lives here on earth, which is experienced in the midst of the devastation
and chaos of the broken world? I may never know how my life is used for glory,
but I can rest knowing that the strikes, moves, dips, flips, and sanctification
are used in the kingdom work. A generation hungry for food and thirsty for
drink and finding temporary satisfaction in all the wrong places, as I struggle
to stay on my knees. There is a place for me, simply because I am alive. There
is a seat for me here for such a time as this.
Jesus came as a babe, lived, walked, taught, traveled, saw,
healed, washed, and laid it down to conquer it all to raise up and save us
all…for such a time as this. His coming, dying, raising, giving of Spirit, and
promise to come again are all for such a time as this. There was purpose in all
of his life, the timing of his physical coming into this world, it was all for
such a time as this. Today. Right now and in Yesterday.
For such a time as this there is a time for everything under
the sun. Nothing is wasted. Everything is used for something greater. Every move. Every sick day. Every sin. Every
repentance. Every worship. Every craft. Every word. Every place. Every person.
Every broken and beautiful thing in this world, is for such a time as this. It
is hard in the broken and confused, but every moment of it is used. Every blessing
and triumph no matter how superficial it feels, is used. A greater purpose and
plan, one that I will never understand, for such a time as this.
I sit at the table and I come offering what I have been
given and open to what I am meant to receive. This life of mine is precious in
the set a part of the nature of
my Jesus. I come. I am here. Use me. I am here and I am listening.
- Hannah