Next week I have an amazing woman to introduce you too. But this week I thought I would re-share my #metoo. This is another part of my story and my brave. I hope that wherever you are, you know and hold on to the truth that you are never alone. There are others who have been through similar situations and God has and will never leave you. You are not alone. This is a piece of my brave. - HannahI have started and stopped writing this post for over a week. I have thought about it and discarded it. I have made excuses and bottled up more fear and anxiety over this part of my story than any other that I have shared with the world. Vulnerability has never been my strong suit and this is a part of my story that I do not want to share and be disrespected because of it. And maybe that feeling of wanting to be respected and treasured comes from the fact that on multiple occasions I was not respected or treasured, but looked at as an object. Something to be used, abused, and manipulated to believe that I deserved every sexual innuendo, grope, and touch. This is my #metoo, but beyond being one of millions of women and men who are sexually abused and used, I want you to know you are never alone and there is hope on the other side.
Because truly there is another side. One day I was innocent
and naïve and the next day I was more aware than I wanted to be. One day I felt
like a princess, treasured, a daughter of the King of Kings, respected, and
human. The next day I felt like a garbage, dirty, broken, impure, and
worthless. There is a clear line in my life of before abuse and after. The
first time I was ever touched I was a little girl at my friend’s house, her
father was bored or drunk, maybe
both and he touched me. I did not know what to do with that information and as
quickly as it happened it was over, and thankfully it never happened again. But
that day, I became very aware at five years old that I was a sexual being. Even
though I am technically a virgin, that day the seed of lust was planted and I
have struggled, wrestled and
been in more prayer over lust in my life than any other sin issue.
Fast-forward I was
starting the spring semester of
my freshman year of high school and like most high school journeys in
was filled with drama, some of it was silly
miscommunications and others were more serious. It started with simple
brushes in the hallway, I didn’t think much of it because our hallways were
narrow and there were a lot of students. Those awkward brushes of bodies happen
occasionally, but it gradually became touching, then grabbing. I would be
sitting in class and feel my bra being unhooked.
I felt trapped and started
suffering a lot of anxiety. There were multiple times that my mom would have to get a sub for her class and take
me to the doctor, because before the day would even begin my stomach would
start knotting and on occasion I would get sick. I tried telling my principal one day and he told me I
deserved it. I tried telling my mom, but sometimes I think it is hard to find
the words to say that make our loved ones hear us. I blamed everyone’s lack of
caring on my past of telling lies; maybe they still thought I was a little liar. I felt like even though I had done a lot of work to
earn trust back, maybe I never would fully earn it back when it came to things
that mattered most. Maybe the gropes, touches, and nasty words being whispered
in my ear were my punishment for
those years of being dishonest. Maybe I did truly deserve this.
Lies are dishonest. I used to tell them and it turns out
that I am really good at accepting and believing them too. I am twenty-four
years old and I still struggle with the abuse of my past. I do not know if I
will ever not wrestle with what happened to me. Thankfully during my sophomore
year all the anxiety and doctor
appointments led my parents to pull me out of my school and I went back to
homeschool. On my own I started healing in small steps. Getting back into
social circles was hard, but it was the step that showed me that not every guy
is going to treat me with disrespect. But, I still struggled when I would be
alone in a public space or even going for a walk around the neighborhood. I
would turn around and sometimes run home or take longer paths home, because I
did not want to pass by a guy jogging. I would get extremely anxious being
alone with any guy, even friends. I struggle with my self-esteem. I still
sometimes look in the mirror and all I see is a piece of trash that will never
be worthy of any man’s love
someday. I still see garbage. Sometimes I just call it a hot mess to make
people smile, but it is truly how I see myself sometimes; worthless. But there
is hope. I know that is easy to say to spin something, but there is truly hope.
While I still wrestle and am learning from these experiences
from my life, God is healer. I
know that, because even though I struggle, I do not struggle every moment of every day like I once did. I can take
a walk and pass a neighbor and not look over my shoulder after we pass to make
sure he is not following me. I have days when I do not cave to the compulsion
of lust, because I do not know what else to do with my anxiety. I can look in
the mirror and tell myself I am beautiful and worthy of love and actually
believe it after a minute of affirmation. I could have easily decided that I
hated all men and never ever wanted to love or even be friends with one again,
but I do. I have had healthy friendships with guys and I do have a deep desire to get married someday.
What those boys meant for evil, that robbed me of innocence,
led me to seek shelter in my Savior. My hope. I am naïve to think that my story
or any amount of awareness will end the sickness of abuse, but I know that what
can heal every heart that looks in the mirror and believes the lie of
worthlessness, is Jesus Christ. He came and died to rescue the broken and
crushed and spirit. I have faced disappointment in life, but the only time I have
truly felt crushed and the weight of persecution
was when I was facing abuse. I can’t tell you how much His love was truly what
healed and still heals the broken places. But, outside of my Savior I found tools to help healing through counseling and recovery.
Retelling my abuse
story was not something I was thinking I would do through my 12-step
program this past year, but it was one of the main things that has been still
plaguing my thought life and feeding my fear. It wasn’t until this past week
that I told my dad this part of my story. I spent many years healing and going
through this with God alone, hardly ever letting anyone into the story of my
abuse. This past year attending a recovery program through my church was the first time I ever shared what
had happened to me. I still believed
that no one would truly ever care that I was used physically and hurt
emotionally. But, they did and do care about my life and the hurt places.
Bottom line. You are not alone in your journey. This is not
just #metoo, there is a beautiful future on the other side of abuse.
Abusers only win, when we stay down and let their actions
continue to dictate our lives. While I can’t erase the events and the effects
on my life, because they did happen and they are a part of my story. I do not have to stay in my grief as a victim
of sexual abuse. I am still healing and on this journey of bringing the lies of
darkness into the light. Through council, leaning on my faith, and loved ones I
feel safe with I have been able to make it to today. The other day, I told a
friend I did not want to write this, that I did not know how. She encouraged me
to say no to the fear and the lies that still whisper to my heart. And I am
writing this. You are not alone. Do not let the comfort and emotional release
of #metoo, stop you from seeking council and tools to face tomorrow with the
truth closer to you than every lie that you were made to believe. I am doing my
best each day to live in the present because I have been given each new day to
rise above my yesterday, I hope as each day comes you can stand and say me too,
because you are worth more than what has been said and done to you.
Thank you.
I AM SO GLAD you decided to write this! As a sexual abuse survivor I can relate to MUCH of what you shared here, and so will many others. Thank you for sharing your heart and for trusting "us". You will rise above the abuse and your story WILL have a happy ending. As will mine. We know this because Rom.8:28 tells us "we know in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." And lets not forget Psalm 119:49-50 "Remember your word to Your servant, upon which you have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction,for your word has given me life." ❤��❤
Love & Peace~
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