"You know how I always seem to be struggling, even when the situation doesn't call for it?"
- Carrie Fisher
Question: Explore a scenario in which you have struggled or
are currently struggling to release control. What was your desired outcome? Did
you receive it?
Control. My
core desire is to process it and receive what I want, when and how I would like
to receive it. I have tried that method. No matter the situation it does not
work. Control is a false reality in my opinion, it seems to deliver what you
want, but in reality it takes and steals from what is true and turns it into a
lie. That is why when manipulation and plans start catching up with a person it
finally dawns deep in the gut that they are out of control no matter how much
they try to convince themselves
otherwise. Control a sucker of truth and life. Control however beautiful and alluring it seems is
not worth the price, I know.
I used to
lie through my teeth. I believed that just being myself was not enough in a new
world where I was the one who
was the stranger hoping to be welcomed in. After just one small week of being
myself I started my game, my goal was to make a friend, my end game turned into
a thirst for popularity. Control leads to one’s own implosion and leaves a wreckage of destruction
and brokenness in its aftermath. My selfishness led me so close to getting kicked out of school and my dad getting
investigated for physical abuse towards me that never happen. My thirst led me to lie about my father hurting me, in
the name of gaining friends. Control can quickly run to lust, that can lead to
a hot mess of crazy that takes not a single thing off the table. Control says
you have to keep going deeper, instead of choosing to finally speak the truth.
people do different things to gain control. Lying was my choice of vice, but
it is typically one of the tools always used to manipulate the board.
Then you wake up and realize that no matter how hard you play and strategize
you will never win the game, and
even more so you realize that life is not a game to be played, but a gift to
experience. A gift that is given by the one who is in control and knows how the
story is going to go, even when we try to manipulate it. God is still in
control and He uses all things for the good of those who love Him.
God used my
desire for control and all my sin that came with that desire to get me to
finally look up. To see my need for Him and to surrender my insecurity and
accept my identity; who I am today. I once
was lost, but now I am found. I am also forgiven for my need control. I am learning to surrender when the
temptation comes.
it is the opposite of control. It is releasing my will and plan to God and
saying yes I want your will and your plan for my life. It is accepting what God
says and laying aside what I say and
what I want. Laying down popularity and likability for the road less
travelled. A road that denies myself, picks up my cross, and follows in
surrender. Not my will but His be done.
It is easy
to write and harder to live. Grace. Always grace as the monster prowls around
taunting me to take what I want in whatever way possible, because I am more
important. This is the battle, it is deeper than the physical momentary desire,
and it is spiritual war over my devotion. Control, no matter what you can
get…you will always want more.
- Hannah
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