Thursday, August 24, 2017

More Sparkle. More Shine.

"If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.  It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'." –Elisabeth Elliot

Question: “More is never enough.” Do you believe this to be true? How might you put this belief into practice in your own life? 

Yes, sadly more is never enough. There is always something else that makes what was received two seconds or even two years ago look like garbage. I struggle with this in an odd artistic book worm way. There is always another book that I would like to add to my to-read collection. I am that friend that makes you swear not to take me near a book store, but proceeds to take the wheel and drive us to one anyway. I can’t lie, I own more unread books than read, but still I constantly fight the urge to be content. Oh, and shoes, unique items of clothing, or jewelry are also a weakness. 

But deeper than the things I can see, I tend to play this “more” game with God. Most of the time I want more from Him and not more of Him. The more is much, but it is hollow without him. When I want more, is it really for Him or for me. My plan. My more, because what I have been given is not enough or is to “old” to use. Some of the best things in my life are those that are old; the jeans I keep going back to year after year, classic Nancy Drew, and the same brand of ball point pen. There are many things that I have that can run out and not be used, like jeans, books, and pens, they can become holey, decay, and run out of ink. Nothing lasts forever, but shouldn’t I use and enjoy what I have instead of tossing it aside for the “next”. The same holds true for what I can’t buy, my people, talents, and seasons of life. I can’t buy who and what my life looks like, but still the hunt is real for “more”. If I can’t treasure and be present with who I am and who is around me, am I really in a position to demand more if I am disregarding the gifts before me just because they aren’t as shiny as what is over there? 

More is never enough. There is always more after more. But what if I saw what I had as the more, because it is more…more than enough. I have more than what I need to survive, enjoy, and share over and over. I already have more, I pray that I will see it all as more than enough. Through the Holy Spirit I have more that I haven’t even tapped into, but it is before me to walk into…why isn’t the more that is unseen and is freely given through a divine sacrifice enough? Why is the world so sparkly, but dead, and what looks dull, fully alive and filled with the brilliant light of life? 

More, another cycle that is broken in surrender. Laying down what is dead, for what is alive. More in Christ is a deep and wide abundance that is more than enough, but the sparkle still shines. Have much and the more too and something about cake.  

- Hannah

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